Saturday, July 2, 2011


Aventura Field Hockey is a not-for-profit association established in 2002 by a group of parents, most of whom had recently moved to the United States with their families from Argentina.

They felt the need to create a welcome setting for their daughters.  Since many of the girls played Field Hockey in Argentina, they decided to establish a club.  Field Hockey is a very popular sport in Argentina, as well as in many European and Asian countries. 

The early days consisted of meeting on Saturdays at the Highland Oaks Park fields, where the City of Aventura  granted the parents’ permission to use the facilities as a community service (hence, the name of the club).  Some of the mothers organized the practices for the first few weeks, while other parents served as physical trainers, web-page designers and promoters of the project.  Soon the first fifteen families saw their dream become a reality as more than fifty girls joined the group.   

Soon it became necessary to find a more permanent location that would allow for the continued growth of the sport, as well as professional coaches, while maintaining the family-friendly feel.  The MARJCC in North Miami Beach became AFH’s new home.  It provides a safe, friendly environment
Although it has been several years, the spirit of the founding families is still intact.  The priorities remain safety; the psychological benefits of teamwork; physical well-being; camaraderie; respect and solidarity; friendship; commitment; and the sense and pride of belonging to a group which this game offers.

Training takes place Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:45pm to 8:30pm.  Groups are organized according to age for girls ranging from five to nineteen years old.  The divisions are U9, U12, U14, U16, and U19.  We hope to continue expanding.  Practices are led by USFH-certified coaches.  The girls compete against fellow USFH member clubs and the Florida Field Hockey Association.  They also participate in USFH-organized tournaments, for which group travel is sometimes required.  This allows them to meet other field hockey players at the local, as well as national, level and gains them exposure to colleges and universities, which may offer scholarships for their future studies.

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